SSVM CKA branch started in the year 1975 is located in the residential locality of CKA Banashankari 3rd stage has a very special feature. The school is surrounded by big trees and lots of greenery all around.
This school is recognized by Government of Karnataka for classes from Nursery to 10th Standard.
In Pre-Primary, we have a Toyland which is nursery workshop wherein children enjoy playing with toys, tri-cycles, cars, slides and many organized games. This is all to help the children to have practical experience of what they listen to.
This school is recognized by Government of Karnataka for classes from Nursery to 10th Standard.
Class Room
Well ventilated and spacious classrooms with fully equipped modern furniture specially designed for each age group of students
Library with large collection of books for reference and enrichment of knowledge for students and faculty as well
Health and safety is taken care of by providing First Aid facility, CCTV cameras in all classrooms and corridors for enhanced security
Excellent infrastructure with state of art A.V. Room, Science and Computer labs
lab is well equipped with many scientific tools
Aids Charts
In keeping with modern trends of learning, teaching aids charts, models are provided
Play Area
Ample open space for assembly, play and other activities
Play Area
Ample open space for assembly, play and other activities
With all the above progressive developments the children are afforded with wide range of opportunities to grow and excel
Bangalore International School Conducted Splash Art Expo
Bangalore International School Conducted Splash Art Expo
Address: #2, 4th Main, Chennammankere Acchukattu,
Next BSNL Telephone
Exchange, B S K 3rd Stage,
Bengaluru -560085.
Email Id:
Phone Number: 080-26697366